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Zombie Mod 2.0.1

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Zombie Mod 2.0.1 Empty Zombie Mod 2.0.1

Mesaj Scris de As4ever Lun Mar 09, 2009 3:14 pm

Descriere : Acest plugin face ca pe server sa aiba loc o lupta intre Oameni vs Zombii . Zombii se misca greu , au o viata mai mare ca a oamenilor si infecteaza alti jucatori transformandu-i in zombii !
Descarcare .sma : http://files.filefront.com/zombiesma/;9 ... einfo.html

Instalare :
1.Luam fisierul zombie.sma si il punem in addons/amxmodx/scripting .
2.Copiem fisierul zombie.amxx in addons/amxmodx/plugins .
3.Intram frumos in addons/amxmodx/config/plugins.ini si adaugam linia :


Comenzi publice :
say /zombies - iti spune cati zombii sunt pe server .
say /fixcontrols - nu vei mai fi infectat de zombii , transformandu-te inapoi in om !

Comenzi administrative :
amx_zombies 1 - atunci modul va fi activat
amx_zombies 0 - atunci modul va fi dezactivat

Cvar-uri :
amx_zombie_health - health of zombies. first zombie gets 2x health (default: 640)
amx_zombie_speed - maxspeed of zombies. normal human maxspeed is 320.0 (default: 140.0)
amx_zombie_mode - Don't set this. The amx_zombie command does some stuff before changing this.
It is mainly to see if zombie mode is enabled on my server.
amx_zombie_hitzones - hitzones for zombies. 2 head 6 head+chest 14 head+stomach+chest full list in fun.inc (default: 6)
amx_zombie_model - whether or not to change player to a zombie model when they turn undead. hitboxes can't be changed in cs so they aren't in the right places on the zombie model. (default: 1)
amx_zombie_defaultnvg - sets whether to use green nvg for zombies or not and instead serverside nightvision that can flicker during lag (default: 1)
amx_zombie_nvcolor - color of serverside nightvision for zombies in r g b format. only has effect when defaultnvg is 0 (default: 255 0 0)
amx_zombie_specnvcolor - nightvision color for spectators. only has effect when specnv is 1 (default: 10 100 0)
amx_zombie_randomspawn - random spawn locations (random locations are gathered in the first few rounds) (default: 1)
amx_zombie_specnv - nightvision for spectators (default: 1)
amx_zombie_custspecnv - custom colored server side spectator nightvision (default: 0)
amx_zombie_lightning - sets lights to kind of be like lightning (default: 1)
amx_zombie_brainvision - human players give off this ring thing to zombies (default: 0)
amx_zombie_infecttime - time it takes for a person that's infected to turn into a zombie (default 0.1)
amx_zombie_flashlight - toggles serverside flashlight (default: 1)
amx_zombie_vote - enables or disables vote_zombie say command (default: 1)


Numarul mesajelor : 237
Varsta : 31
Localizare : Bucuresti
Respectarea regulilor : Zombie Mod 2.0.1 Rank11-24afb
Reputatie : 8
Puncte : 75922
Data de inscriere : 06/02/2009


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